Sales Terms
Hansen Protection General Sales Terms (for Norway)
The terms of sale (terms of sale) apply to all sales of products and services from Hansen Protection to Customers in Norway. The purchase conditions, together with the customer's order (confirmed through an order confirmation) constitute the total contract basis for the purchase.
Booking and agreement
The order is binding when the order is registered in our ERP-system. We are also bound by the customer's order if this does not differ from what is offered by us. When we receive the order, we will confirm the order and send a confirmation. Read the order confirmation carefully. It is important to check if the order confirmation is in accordance with the order. Deviations between the customer's order and the order confirmation are considered as a new offer from us, which can be accepted or rejected. However, it is possible to claim the original order if this is in accordance with what we have offered. Exceptions may occur, for example, for obvious pricing errors - see the section below on Prices.
All prices for delivery within Norwegian territorial boarders are quoted inclusive of VAT and exclusive shipping, unless expressly stated otherwise. All prices for delivery outside Norwegian territorial boarders are quoted exclusive of VAT and exclusive shipping, unless expressly stated otherwise. Local VAT and possible other customs tariffs* may occur and are customers responsibility to pay. Any price changes that occur after the order date that is not due to errors (see below) will not have retroactive effect. If there have been typing or printing errors of significant size from Hansen Protection AS side, in advertisements and similar with 20% of the normal retail price, Hansen Protection AS can unilaterally change, delete or reject orders. This applies even if the customer has received an order confirmation. However, such errors must be corrected within reasonable time after the error is detected.
*) Neoprene immersion suits have Chinese origin and 8 % customs will apply for import from Norway to EU
Standard payment terms for credit-clarified customers are net per 14 days. The contract sum is invoiced on delivery and is due for payment according to the said credit period. Unless otherwise agreed, the credit purchase price is equal to the cash price (cash sum). No credit costs are incurred for the mentioned credit period. Other purchases must be paid in cash or prepaid. Buyer shall pay against invoice even if parts of the order have not been delivered at the same time.
Hansen Protection AS has a sales pledge on the goods sold as security for its claim on the purchase price with the addition of interest and costs, cf. Section 3-14 of the Mortgage Act (Panteloven) states that only companies and government agencies can buy goods on credit. A credit rating will be made before the invoice is sent.
Delivery and delay
All delivery times stated by us must be considered as indicative. When the time is stated in the number of days, the working days are meant and the charterer's time always comes in addition. We reserve the right to deviate and/or change the stated delivery time without further notice. Delivery of the products takes place in the manner, at the place and time stated on the order confirmation. We have the risk of the products until they are taken over by the customer, that is, when the customer has received the products in their possession. If the delivery of the product is delayed, we will provide the customer with information as soon as we have knowledge of it, together with information about and possibly when delivery can take place, or if the product is sold out. Depending on the nature of the product and the length of the delay, you may, in the circumstances, hold back the purchase price, claim delivery, claim compensation or terminate the agreement.
Examination of the products
After receiving the products, as soon as it is possible, it should be examined whether the delivery is in accordance with the order confirmation, whether the products have been damaged during transport, or whether the products have faults or defects otherwise.
The buyer shall, as soon as possible and without undue delay after receipt, examine the goods, and immediately inform Hansen Protection if the shipment does not comply with the order confirmation. We use mail as the preferred method of communication in connection with returns. If a return number is provided, this shall be used in communication and any return shipment shall be marked with this number. Complaints are sent to hpro@hansenprotection.no. Mark the email with "complaint" and possibly return number.
Extraordinary conditions
Hansen Protection AS is only liable for loss for the goods if faults or defects have been detected. This does not apply, however, if Hansen Protection AS proves that the defect is due to circumstances beyond Hansen Protection AS control, and which Hansen Protection could not reasonably be expected to avoid or overcome the consequences of. Hansen Protection is not responsible for indirect losses as a result of deficiencies unless the loss has been caused by gross negligence or intent by Hansen Protection.
Change in terms
Hansen Protection AS reserves the right to change these terms, including as a result of changes in legislation.
Force majeure
If Hansen Protection AS is prevented from delivering or making a compulsory replacement - or such delivery obligation becomes unreasonably burdensome as a result of labor conflict or any other circumstance that the parties cannot afford, such as fire, war, mobilization or unforeseen military summons of similar scope, requisition, seizure, currency restrictions, rebellion and riots, scarcity, means of transport, general scarcity of goods, restriction on the supply of driving force, as well as deficiencies in or delays in deliveries from subcontractors or manufacturers as a result of such circumstances referred to in this paragraph, Hansen Protection AS is exempt from all liability other than in complaints cases and credit the defective goods. purchase price.
We reserve for typing errors and any price changes.
Images used on our pages are illustrative and may differ from the actual appearance of the product.
Disputes and applicable law
Disputes on the grounds of the conditions and related provisions, as well as disputes relating to them in the aforementioned and where of the following legal matters fall under the ordinary courts of Norway..